“Rita George is a leadership coach, consultant, speaker, advocate and author in the field of strategic transformation. She brings deep, real-world insights, ancient wisdom and a broad knowledge base to transformational learning, spirituality, and awareness.”

Rita has dedicated her life to individual and societal transformation during her political career as a human rights and social justice advocate and then as a marketing strategist for thousands of entrepreneurs. A life of personal healing and awakening took her on a deep journey that revealed two blueprints of wisdom teachings that awaken humanity to latent powers within all of us.

On the fall equinox of 1983, Rita experienced a turning point in her life, crossing a threshold that would determine her future and her contribution to the world. Having been intrigued with the ancient Egyptian Isis mystery teachings for years, she decided to vacation in Egypt to connect with the energies. Grieving the loss of a dear friend, who had just died, she was reflecting on her life. Despite all her accomplishments of a busy life and business career, she was feeling particularly hopeless. While walking across the bridge at King Farouk’s Palace in Alexandria, she entered a moment of deep emptiness and deep reflection. Suddenly, her inner voice – that connection that all of us have to a divine power within – burst forth loud and clear: “You are to transform every aspect of your life and change the nature of your business”. She felt a shift in consciousness, and a deep connection to the ancient Isis teachings she had been studying. She knew instantly, while standing in the middle of that bridge, that she was literally and figuratively at the bridge between her past and future. It was a choice point – and in that transformative moment she made the commitment to follow her inner guidance from that point forward, no matter how much fear might come up, or what life changes it would require. With a firm inner commitment to heal body, mind, heart and spirit, she walked across the bridge into the unknown.

Rita was in a heightened state of consciousness for weeks after that experience and as she returned to the United States and watched the previously stable commitments in her life fall apart before her eyes – all of a sudden she lost her home, office, and clients. Isis inner guidance: “You have to let go of what is not working in order to create what will work.” Two months later, everything came back together in an elevated form – a new home, new clients, and new expansive growth opportunities. Throughout that journey of transformation she experienced being gradually lifted out of her old self into a new self. This was a process of death and rebirth she came to understand as a natural transformational upleveling, bringing her into deeper alignment with her true self and purpose and expanded awareness.

Rita was led into surrender and transforming again and again during the next eight years, in which she faced what her doctor informed her was a life threatening illness with no cure. She had to let go of everything, closing down her business and watching her once active social and athletic life, and political, business, and non-profit career, come to a standstill. This intensely challenging eight year journey of physical illness, immense mental and emotional upheaval, and financial insecurity brought forth a deep spiritual emergence of light through the darkness. Rita listened deeply to the ancient wisdom within her being, and applied this insight to her body, mind, emotions, energy, and spirit, to heal. Once she finally emerged through this years-long dark night of the soul, Rita felt a deep commitment to helping others heal and awaken. Her inner voice guided her to share the wisdom teachings that had been so pivotal for her own transformation.

She came to see life experiences and healing through the lens of how we relate to power, how we access and trust our creative life force, and how we transform through crises into greater harmony and meaning. She shaped these spiritual insights into a practical strategy and comprehensive system for transformation that could be shared with others. She called this map the Isis Blueprint, which she shared with the world through a model she developed called The Edge Transformational Program©.

Over the next 20 years, Rita coached and taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners in this program, applying this ancient wisdom to turn around small businesses in times of crisis and transition. She also created an extensive workbook for clients called Moving off the Edge: Preparing for and Creating Change©. Then, in 2009, she published the book Stories from the Edge: Nine Principles to Create Lasting Transformation, which provides an overview of her working model and stories on how her clients transformed every aspect of their lives through applying the ancient wisdom.

During this time, many of her clients invited her to coach their teenage sons and daughters, who were going through life crises that other adults – the parents, teachers, doctors – hadn’t been able to help them understand or heal. Rita applied the Isis Blueprint to the teen experience, guiding these young clients to discover inner empowerment and alignment in body, mind, heart, and spirit. This led to teenager tapping into the inner harmony needed to resolve practical issues in their daily lives. This work culminated into a vision to share this wisdom for youth on a broader scale, so she began developing The Edge Jumpers®, a multi-media education and entertainment platform to empower youth via the Isis Blueprint. This project focuses on helping teens resolve their own life challenges and crises and to become active in solving social issues.

In 2010, Rita began to learn about the legacy of the ancient Phoenicians, ancestors of her own Lebanese heritage. After extensive research into new revolutionary discoveries and a transcendent viewpoint of this ancient culture, she learned about seven practices that these indigenous peoples used to create heart coherence in their society, social justice and equality, and democratic governance. A year later, during a meditation retreat, Rita had another mystical experience through which she was deeply inspired to share the wisdom of the Phoenicians in her work. She realized that she had been applying these Phoenician practices throughout her political, business, and consulting careers for decades, and it was time to bring it forth in a more direct and systematized way. She combined information about the Phoenicians’ history with her understandings of neuroscience, social psychology, physics, heart coherence and genetics, creating the e-book The Legacy of the Phoenicians: A Bridge to Peace and Prosperity.

How did the teachings about the Phoenicians relate to the Isis Blueprint that Rita had been teaching for decades? Just like in the Isis Blueprint, the Phoenicians – through what she came to call the “Phoenician Blueprint” – also revealed the path of transformation through deaths and rebirths, resilience, and transformation. While the Isis Blueprint guides individuals through the individual life path of awakening and embodiment of our inner ancient wisdom, the Phoenician Blueprint is a model for the collective level. It supports transformation towards greater harmony in organizations, politics, and culture where All people thrive and flourish. Both blueprints teach us about our relationship to power and guide humanity back home to who we are – Oneness with self, others, and Mother Nature, and our creative life force and Divine Intelligence.

Rita has found that the dark and the light, the suffering and self-emergence, are all part of one great transformational journey of divine intelligence that guides us into our greater evolution. This awakening to our Divine self allows us to live in harmony and to heal the world.